Jillian Michaels on Whether It’s Safe To Go To The Gym During a Pandemic

Jillian Michaels is speaking out about her experience with COVID-19.

The fitness expert contracted the virus “several weeks ago” and recently spoke about why people should not be going to the gym amid the pandemic.

“If you are afraid of COVID, you should not go to the gym. And I actually am a person who let my guard down, I haven’t even spoken about this publicly really, and a very close friend of mine gave me COVID several weeks ago,” she said during an interview with Fox Business discussing her at-home workout app.

“I’m fortunate to have gone into it being healthy and I was able to get on the other side of it pretty quick, but not everyone is that lucky as we know,” she continued. “All I can tell you is if you are afraid of getting COVID, a public gym is probably a place where you will get it.”

“I would love to tell you that’s not the case, but the reality is I literally let my guard down for an hour with one of my best friends who does my hair and makeup and got it,” she said. “It’s just that simple.”

The fitness guru went on to explain that neither she nor her friend knew they had contracted the virus until days after the meeting.

“If you’re not in a mask and that person is not in a mask, and they have COVID and have no idea — because, by the way, I had no idea that I had it for six days [and] my friend had no idea that she had it when she gave it to me — anticipate that you will likely get it in an environment like that,” she said of going to the gym.

“If you are afraid of it, by all means, it’s not a move that I would recommend making,” she added.

Thank you for being so honest, Jillian!