Michael Jordan Once Went to Las Vegas to Bring Dennis Rodman Back From Partying

Over the weekend, ESPN debuted the third and fourth installments of The Last Dance, the 10-part series about Michael Jordan during his final NBA season in the late 1990s with the Chicago Bulls.

In the latest episode, we see that when Bulls coach Phil Jackson gave Dennis Rodman permission to go to Las Vegas for two days, Michael said he was skeptical about the choice.

Two days later, Dennis was nowhere to be found.

“He leaves that room, goes straight to the airport [and] boom, we don’t hear or see Dennis for 48 hours,” said Michael.

Carmen Electra was dating Dennis at the time.

“I do remember being in Vegas with him. It was on — the party was starting right away,” Carmen said in the series. “One thing about Dennis: he had to escape. He liked to go out, he liked to go to clubs. We’d go to his favorite restaurant, then we’d go to a nightclub, then we’d go to after-hours. It didn’t stop.”

She added: “It was definitely an occupational hazard to be Dennis’ girlfriend.”

Michael recalled that Dennis “didn’t come back on time” so he went to Vegas himself to get “his ass out of bed.”

“There’s a knock on the door, and it’s Michael Jordan,” Carmen recalled. “And I hid. I didn’t want him to see me like that. So I’m just, like, hiding behind the couch with covers over me, [and Jordan goes]: ‘Come on! We got to get to practice.'”

“It was, like, in his psyche,” Michael later said about Dennis. “He needed to get away. But in all honesty, Dennis was always there. He was always on point.”

Can you imagine?! Watch the full segment below: