Ashley Graham Breastfeeds in New ‘Vogue’ Spread

Supermodel Ashley Graham is with her beloved during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in a new Vogue spread we’re getting a sense of her home life.

The mom welcomed son Isaac with husband Justin Ervin earlier this year. From the Vogue spread, the model shared a photo of her breastfeeding Isaac on her family’s Nebraska farm.

“My husband, Justin, my son, and I have been out here on my aunt’s farm,” Ashley told Vogue. “Being here means so much to me. This is where I would come every summer to see my family and be with my cousins.”

As far as her advice on how to continue remaining indoors:

“The most important thing has been remembering to ‘fear not.’ Turn your TV off, get off social media and remember not just to think positively, but to speak it, too,” she said.

We love you, Ashley. Thank you for being such a great role model.