Adam Driver’s Fans Defend Him Against Trolls Attacking Him About 9/11 Comments

After some Internet trolls threatened online to “cancel” Adam Driver, the actor himself had to step in.

According to Entertainment Tonight, the issue started with an interview Adam did with The New Yorker in October of 2019, where he talked about joining the military in the aftermath of 9/11.

In the interview, the Star Wars star spoke about the need for retribution, though he specified that “it wasn’t against Muslims.”

Instead, he said “it was: We were attacked,” and “I want to fight for my country against whoever that is.”

Well, now people are claiming that his comments were Islamaphobic and started posting the hashtag #AdamDriverIsOverParty.

But, as points out, his defenders were quick to point out his actual comments in his response.

Adam’s fans mentioned some of his past work in 2019’s The Report, which criticized the U.S.’s use of torture in the years that followed 9/11. He also spoke about it with The New Yorker in the same interview.

Hm… well, we’re sure this was a temporary thing, but Adam is definitely a hero. Get it right people!