Jane Fonda Will Continue to Protest For Environmental Causes Virtually

Credit: Fameflynet Pictures

Jane Fonda wrote an incredible op-ed for People magazine, explaining that she will not stop protesting for environmental causes just because she’s quarantined.

In fact, she’s taking it virtually!

“The scientists are warning that we’ve reached a crisis — and have but a decade to address it by halving fossil-fuel emissions,” she argues. “Individuals acting alone can’t solve it. It needs an army of individuals acting together.”

She continued: “That’s why, last fall, I thought, ‘Maybe I can raise an army like I fantasized about when I was young.’ I launched Fire Drill Fridays in partnership with Greenpeace USA, a weekly rally in D.C. where scientists, activists and celebrities exposed the urgency of the climate emergency. Each week the group grew, with old-time activists and first-timers coming together, engaging in civil disobedience and risking arrest, saying, ‘We need action for the health and safety of our families.'”

“We know protests work,” she wrote. “It’s the students’ mass protests that have forced the climate crisis onto America’s consciousness. Mass action is the only thing that has ever forced the government to heed the demands of its people over the voices of the corporations. And after 40-plus years of petitions, marches, lobbying and not being listened to, civil disobedience — putting your body on the line — is the next step in awakening people to the urgency of this crisis and pressuring decision-makers to act. ”

Then she explains, “I’m continuing to host virtual programming for Fire Drill Fridays. We mustn’t allow our government to help corporations, especially the fossil-fuel industry, instead of its citizens.”

“Change is coming, either by disaster or by design. Whether you’re a climate activist or a mom worried about her children, your voice can help us,” she concludes.

To get involved in Fire Drill Fridays, text JANE to 877-877.