‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ Reunion Will Be Virtual

Everything is virtual now, even the Real Housewives reunion!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion special will be going online — according to star Kandi Burrus, who revealed the news on Instagram Live.

“They let us know the other day that we are going to be … we’re going to have to do, I guess, an online type of reunion situation,” she said, adding, “Some of the girls was going back and forth, you would’ve thought it had been a reunion on the text messages. I said, ‘Damn! Can ya’ll save all this for the actual reunion? We don’t get paid for your text messages to be all out of pocket,’ you know what I mean? It’s a mess!”

Well, we don’t know about you, but we think this reunion might very interesting indeed!