Prince Andrew Apparently Once Let a Supermodel Sit on the Queen’s Throne

Talk about a slick move…

Prince Andrew apparently tried to impress supermodel Caprice Bourret with dates in Buckingham Palace. One time, he allegedly let her sit on the Queen’s throne.

Caprice’s friends told The Sun that she ultimately “ghosted” the prince because she “didn’t fancy him.” Still, she was allowed to take a keepsake from the palace.

“He took her to Buckingham Palace twice, and on one occasion she sat on the Queen’s throne,” a source told the UK paper. “She spotted a bowl she liked and asked Andrew if she could steal it and [mail] it to her mom. She claims that he let her, and her mom loved it!”

According to the source, she always treated her dates with Andrew as platonic.

“From her side, there was no chance of a snog — she didn’t fancy him,” the source said. “But as an American, she was thoroughly entertained at the notion he was a part of the Royal Family. Plus all the secretive ­rendezvous, although unnecessary, were a great family dinner conversation point.”

Furthermore, a young Prince Harry was supposedly jealous because he “had Caprice’s calendar on his bedroom wall” in his exclusive private school, Eton, the source said.

“Caprice ghosted Andrew,” the source explained. “She stopped returning his calls. He’d been nothing but a gentleman, but quite simply she didn’t fancy him and ran for the hills when a newspaper article came out linking them — he wasn’t her type and she found him quite dry.”

Well… that’s that we suppose. Still, at least she got a decent bowl out of it, right? Most people are lucky to even get dinner!