Bill Cosby is Bitching at Gayle King From Jail About Her Kobe Bryant Interview

People are not happy with Gayle King, who recently questioned WNBA star Lisa Leslie about Kobe Bryant and his 2003 sexual assault charge during an interview.

One of them was Bill Cosby, who responded to Snoop Dog’s own criticism of the interview.

We know what you’re thinking… how in the hell is Bill Cosby writing from prison? (Turns out, it’s allowed where he’s at.)

The comedian is serving a three-to-10-year sentence for his 2018 conviction on three counts of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and molesting Andrea Constand.

Regardless, his complaint is the latest among a string of Hollywood A-listers who are pissed at Gayle.

The host even slammed her own network for distributing the “out-of-context” clip and said she plans to hold a “very intense” conversation with executives.

“I’ve been up reading the comments about the interview I did with Lisa Leslie about Kobe Bryant, and I know that if I had only seen the clip that you saw, I’d be extremely angry with me too,” she said in an Instagram video. “I am mortified. I am embarrassed and I am very angry.”

Context or not, Gayle is a journalist. She needs to ask hard questions, right?