Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Confirms He Only Eats 1 Meal Per Day

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey seems to be too busy to eat! But that’s by choice.

In a video for Wired, the successful web developer answered questions from users on Twitter. One curious user questioned the validity of recent claims surrounding his extreme lifestyle.

“Some of it’s real,” said Jack, referencing an article reporting that he eats five meals per week, meditating for multiple hours, and practicing a daily sauna and ice bath routine.

“I try to meditate two hours every single day,” he added. “I definitely do not do a sauna and ice bath every day, and I eat seven meals every week, just dinner.”

JUST dinner? Holy Gaga, doesn’t that make you hungry just hearing that?

Still, Jack swears by it. In April, he opened up on the Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss and Performance podcast about these rituals — like intermittent fasting, walking to work, and hydrotherapy — all of which he believes improves his overall mental and physical health.

Not gonna lie… we’re just going to trust him on this one. LOL!