Arnold Schwarzenegger And Greta Thunberg Are Basically Besties!

Talk about an unlikely pairing!

Arnold Schwarzenegger and climate-change activist Greta Thunberg are showing the world that friendship can make great change! As Greta plans to take on Canada with her advocacy, the Terminator star apparently arranged to have a Tesla Model 3 at her disposal, according to a report.

Arnold’s rep told Car& that the actor had asked the 16-year-old Swedish student to call “if she needed anything.”

The actor initially offered to loan her his electric-powered Hummer — but delivering it across the country didn’t make sense.

So, he arranged for Greta to get the Tesla so she can “can travel fully electric through the United States and Canada,” a spokesman said.

Arnold, who is also a climate change activist, met Greta in Austria this year, after which he confessed that he was “starstruck.” Of course, Greta has also won the hearts of other activists like Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama, and Chris Hemsworth.

Talk about a dream team!