People Are Up In Arms After Billionaire Equinox/SoulCycle CEO Announces Trump Fundraiser

The mastermind behind Equinox and SoulCycle, Stephen Ross, is getting backlash after announcing that he’s throwing a Trump fundraiser in the Hamptons on Friday.

Reaction was nasty this week from LGBTQ members of both clubs, causing the company to be inundated with canceled memberships.

Stephen is the chairman of Related Companies, which is the parent company of both Equinox and Soul Cycle. The Washington Post reports that tickets for the fundraiser event range from $5,600 to $250,000, and those who pay the big bucks will get a lunch, a photo, and private roundtable conversation with Trump.

Equinox was recently applauded for LGBTQ causes such as the “Life’s a Ball” pride campaign, which honored the transgender community. But after this stunning news, who knows how many members will cancel!