O.J. Simpson Says He Once Hooked Up With Kris Jenner In A Hot Tub

In a new documentary called Who Killed Nicole?, O.J. Simpson bragged that he had sex with Kris Jenner, who was of course married to his best friend Robert Kardashian at the time.

O.J. said he and his then-wife Nicole, and Robert and Kris Kardashian, were in a Jacuzzi one night while vacationing together. When Nicole and Robert went to bed, he says that he and Kris were left alone in the hot tub.

“‘O.J. said he stood up, pulled his shorts down and, I’ll give you exactly what he said: ‘Her eyes bugged out of her head and I f–ked that B until I broke her,’” recounts Norman Pardo, O.J.’s former manager who created the documentary based on hours of videotape he had. “That was as messed up as you can possibly get.”

Apparently, the one night stand didn’t exactly help their friendships.

Norman said, “From what I’m understanding, from what O.J. told me, everything was great up until [the] little fling that they had.”

The Kardashians divorced shortly afterward in early 1991, and the Simpsons split by early 1992 and as we all know, O.J. was accused of murdering his wife.

Robert was one of the lawyers on the case, and Kris was a visible presence during the court proceedings.

Norman is currently shopping the 90-minute documentary for distributors. Check out a clip, previewed exclusively by The Post.

H/T: Page Six.