Pink Will No Longer Post About Her Kids on Social Media

Pink is choosing to keep her family life private, especially the happenings of her kids Willow, 7, and Jameson, 2.

“I like to share my family,” she said on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.“It’s my proudest moment in my whole life. I’m prouder of my kids than anything I’ve ever done and I just won’t share them anymore. I won’t do it. I’m not posting pictures of them anymore.”

She added: “[Willow is] 7 now. It’s probably best to pull her back from the world and just let her live her best life.”

The main reason why Pink is choosing to back away is because of the overwhelming number of Internet trolls who love to spew their hatred online.

“I have to [go after them] sometimes,” she said of the negative comments. “Sometimes I feel like I can change their minds. I’m all about injustice. I don’t like injustice. I don’t like how brave people are anonymously and just rude, mean, mean-spirited. … If I have time, I go in.”