Ex-Playmate Says She Was Getting Sexts From A-Rod Shortly Before He Proposed To J.Lo

Former Playboy Playmate, Zoe Gregory, is claiming that Alex Rodriguez sexted her and was asking for a threesome, weeks before he proposed to Jennifer Lopez.

The model told The Sun that A-Rod sent her an X-rated photo with a text asking for names of “fun girls for [him and me.]” He also sent a pic of “his penis and muscly thigh.”

“He was being like a dirty dog. He seemed like a needy, horny bloke,” she told the outlet. “If he is doing this right up until the point he is proposing to her, it is just not fair.”

According to Zoe, he was also requesting her to send “naughty videos” and to have a threesome with another person — who apparently was not J-Lo.

“She hot? Fun? How many times have you been with her?” A-Rod wrote, according to texts provided to the paper. He then asked for “dates you can fly out (maybe next week to SF).”

The messages began the day after Christmas and then stopped in late January, Zoe said. Then over a month later, A-Rod proposed to J-Lo with a $1.8 million dollar ring.

Read more at The Sun.