Casey Anthony Is Reportedly Partying All The Time Again

Though Casey Anthony is trying to put her notorious past behind her, a source close to her told People magazine that she’s diving back into her partying ways.

Casey was famously acquitted of murder in 2011 in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. Since then, she’s lived a low-key life in South Florida.

But now, the 33-year-old is resuming a busy social life — and reportedly doesn’t care what people say about her. “She believes she has done her penance,” a source close to Casey told People. “And now she’s partying. She’s dating around, meeting new people, and finally creating a social life.”

“She describes her old life as a ‘nightmare.’” the source continued. “All of it: Caylee’s disappearance, the trial, her relationship with her parents. She lives in denial a lot of the time, pretending that everything that happened, didn’t happen.”

Read more at People.