Bill Cosby’s Family Hasn’t Visited Him In Prison Yet

Bill Cosby has been in prison since September, and according to the comedian’s spokesman his family has yet to visit him. 

Camille, his wife of 50-plus years, and his three surviving daughters haven’t made the trip to SCI Phoenix in suburban Philadelphia. And his publicist, Andrew Wyatt, doesn’t expect the family to pop by anytime soon since Bill doesn’t want “them to be in that environment,” adding, “Why put them in that position, to make it turn into some form of a circus?”

Bill was moved into general population last week and now resides in a single cell in a unit reserved for veterans, which is a hell of a lot nicer than where he was. He had previously been in a private cell and a day room near the infirmary.

“He said, ‘They want to entrap me to say I’m remorseful, or to say I did something I didn’t do. I’m not going to fall for it,’” Wyatt said of his recent meetings with Bill behind bars. The comedian, who claims he’s legally blind, gets up before dawn to do leg lifts and crunches in his cell.

Wyatt said he has also been working on new creative projects. “He hasn’t stopped thinking about the things that he’s going to do when he gets out.”