Rachel Weisz Will Do Anything For Her Craft, Including Wearing Corsets!

Rachel Weisz will do anything for her craft, even if that means wearing a corset for an ungodly amount of time while filming The Favourite, a delightful sexually charged story about Britain’s 18th-century queen and her majesty’s court of females pleasuring other females behind closed doors. (sounds great, right?!) 

“Wearing those costumes took strength,” Rachel told Page Six. “They pulled the corsets so tight, so hard, you could feel the stays which actually left lines on my body. We shot 10 weeks in Hatfield House, a north-of-England Elizabethan mansion, and were allowed to touch only certain things.” 

She added, “Antique guns was another difficulty. Gun powder kept getting in your eyes.”

Corset or no corset… this is definitely a film you gotta see!