Ireland Baldwin Open Up About Dealing With Anorexia

Ireland Baldwin is opening up about her battle with anorexia. The daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger revealed her story on Instagram.

“I battled with many eating disorders and body issues as a younger girl and it took me a long time to find self love and acceptance!” she wrote. “Trust me, all of that pain and destruction I inflicted on myself wasn’t worth it. Turning down so. Many. Sides. Of. Fries. Wasn’t worth it!!”

The model even shared some anecdotes: “I would eat a meal or more like a bite and have to run to the nearest bathroom or find digestive pills or run until I couldn’t feel my legs right before bed,” she recalled. “I used to read people’s comments when I first started modeling and anytime anyone told me I was too tall or too fat to have done a job, I would run on a treadmill for the entire duration of at least three episodes of Friday Night Lights that I had on box set.”

We love you, Ireland.