Sherri Shepherd Gives Brutal Advice To Meghan McCain

Credit: FameFlynet Pictures

Sherri Shepherd gave brutal advice to Meghan McCain while speaking to Andy Cohen.

“She just has to evolve,” she told Andy on Watch What Happens Live on Sunday. “She has to get used to sitting there at that table. I think she needs to not take the whole Republican world on her shoulders. It’s too much.” She added, “You’re not the Republican voice. It makes you stressed, it makes you tense. I think being able to just lighten up a little.”

Then on Wednesday, Meghan appeared with Andy to respond: “I was super bummed out when I saw her saying that. She said I need to lighten up. You know, ‘The View,’ it’s a tough show that’s really politically heavy. We’re a news show now. It’s not the show that she once hosted. Right now, and not to make this too heavy, but in Trump’s America, we should not be telling women to lighten up. It’s a serious time.”