OMG President Trump Is Considering Pardoning Martha Stewart

Apparently, it pays to be a former Apprentice star. Donald Trump is reportedly considering pardoning Martha Stewart for her 2004 conviction for lying to the FBI during an investigation into her sale of shares to drug company ImClone Systems for possible insider trading, which sent her to prison.

“I think to a certain extent Martha Stewart was harshly and unfairly treated,” Trump said, according to a pool report (per The New York Times). “And she used to be my biggest fan in the world… before I became a politician. But that’s okay, I don’t view it that way.”

Martha had been prosecuted by former FBI director James Comey, whom Trump fired recently. And Martha isn’t the only one he’s pardoning.

“Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today,” Trump tweeted Thursday. “He was treated very unfairly by our government!” Dinesh received a felony conviction in 2014 after pleading guilty to making illegal campaign contributions.

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