Reporter Gives Her Opinion Of Morgan Freeman’s Lewd Red Carpet Comment

Entertainment journalist Maggie Parker is speaking out about a moment on the red carpet she had with Morgan Freeman, which has since gone viral amidst his other sexual harassment claims.

“I was a 25-year-old, green and determined on-camera reporter for a men’s magazine when I first met Freeman at the premiere of Now You See Me in 2013,” she wrote for People. “My videographer and I decided to ask each actor, from Freeman to Mark Ruffalo to Isla Fisher to Michael Caine, ‘If you could do one magic trick, what would it be?’ The answers ranged from disappearing to saving the environment, but Freeman’s was the real outlier.”

“After I asked the question, he responded, ‘You want me to say something clean don’t you?’ I didn’t really get what he meant, so I said, ‘You don’t have to.’ As in, be yourself, not realizing what I was getting myself into,” she said. “He looked me up and down and said, ‘Honey, you wouldn’t have a stitch on…how about that?’ I laughed. But I’ll be honest with you, I was not only caught off-guard, I was also confused. Did this seemingly sweet old actor mean what I thought he meant?”

She added, “In the moment, it took me a second to process and recover. This at the time 75-year-old Oscar winner just basically told me, a third of his age, he wanted to see me naked…thank you, I guess? Mind you, he knew there was a camera on him, and he was surrounded by other actors and reporters. Still, he said it. He walked away, and I turned to my videographer; we were both shocked. I wasn’t upset, or, I didn’t know I should be upset. It was more of discomfort and a bit of violation.”

Read the rest at People.