Sarah Silverman Is Still Haunted By Her 2007 Blackface Sketch

Credit: FameFlynet Pictures

Even though Sarah Silverman always seems to push the button, there was one time she may have pushed it too hard.

The comedian recognizes that she crossed a line when she did an entire episode of her own Comedy Central show in blackface.

“Comedy by nature is not at all evergreen,” she told GQ. “So if you’re doing it right, you look back at your old stuff and you’re horrified. I don’t stand by the blackface sketch. I’m horrified by it, and I can’t erase it. I can only be changed by it and move on.”

“It made me famous! It was like, I’m playing a character, and I know this is wrong, so I can say it. I’m clearly liberal,” she said. “That was such liberal-bubble stuff, where I actually thought it was dealing with racism by using racism. I don’t get joy in that anymore. It makes me feel yucky. All I can say is that I’m not that person anymore.”