Sean Penn’s Poem About The #MeToo Movement Falls Flat

Credit: FameFlynet Pictures

Sean Penn wrote a poem as the epilogue of his new book, and it reads: “Once crucial conversations/Kept us on our toes;/Was it really in our interest/To trample Charlie Rose?” and “Where did all the laughs go?/Are you out there Louis C.K.?”

It continued, “And what’s with this ‘Me Too’?/This infantilizing term of the day/Is this a toddler’s crusade?/Reducing rape, slut-shaming, and suffrage to reckless child’s play?”

Needless to say, members of the #MeToo were not amused, many of which seem to think Sean is showing incredible compassion for the men and not the victims.

“It seems wrong to say that so dystopian a novel is great fun to read, but it’s true. I suspect that Thomas Pynchon and Hunter S. Thompson would love this book,” renowned author Salman Rushdie reviewed of it. “What have you done this time, Sean Penn? What is this book-shaped thing that lies before us?”