Sean Penn Says ‘Donald Trump Is The Enemy Of The State’

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Actor Sean Penn penned an essay for Time magazine about his opinions on the utter embarrassment Donald Trump has ensued upon America, most recently with his comments on the country of Haiti whereby he called it a “shithole.”

“Today is the eighth anniversary of that awful day in 2010,” Sean wrote, referring to the disastrous earthquake in Haiti that killed nearly 300,000 people. “I still smell the blood and death that greeted us in that humid air upon arrival and through our first months in the country. I still see the tears and hear the primal screams of mothers, fathers, sons and daughters who lost family so horribly, so shockingly. But most of all, it is the lessons of resilience and human excellence that they can continue to teach us, as they continue to offer their own country and families that as Americans we must continue to embrace and empower.”

He continued, “While Haitian immigrants typically arrive in the United States with lower levels of education and income than the general population, they sacrifice as parents to scrap and save and to ensure that their children can make the most of the opportunity to be here. They contribute. And there is no disputing the value they add to American society.”

“We have been forced to focus on a man whose sense of our country is an inherited gift for sales-gab,” he adds about Trump. “He encourages the enslavement of America by a core minority of our electorate; he massages into them the notion that American principal lives not in the belief and sacrifice of their own ancestors or our country’s forefathers, but rather in their own pain, rage and fear. President Donald Trump’s words describing the glorious people of Africa, El Salvador and Haiti is far worse than mere insensitivity or even nationalism. Those standards are not disgraceful enough.”

He later calls Trump “an enemy of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and every new child born. An enemy of mankind. He is indeed an enemy of the state.”

Read the rest at Time.