Here’s What Psychics Had To Say About Some Celeb’s Futures In 2018

Credit: FameFlynet Pictures

Psychics are great — when they’re right.

Thanks to Page Six, English psychic Paula Roberts gave some pretty interesting predictions for some of our favorite celebrities in the new year:

Harry and Meghan announce pregnancy — a boy — in August.

Kim Jong-un deposed. North Korea inches slooowly toward democracy.

Iran embroiled in war.

De Blasio hobbling in leg brace.

Southern states turning bluer.

Talk of a West Side Highway tram.

Famous jewelry shop (inside job?) has multimillion-dollar heist.

Early February blizzard brings NYC to a standstill.

Hillary goes heavy into women’s and children’s rights.

And from John Cohan, whose crystal ball we’ve looked into 31 years:

Calm, happy O.J. Simpson marries a Nicole look-alike and does a reality show.

Caitlyn Jenner makes a movie.

Octogenarian Jane Fonda into politics.

J.Lopez marries A.Rodriguez. Short-lived. Forget anniversary cards.

Carrie Fisher’s death uncovers a London person and foul play.

Cher to Sweden for positive health issue results.

David Duchovny. New young girlfriend. New TV series. So, newly happy.

Gina Lollobrigida writes a book and sharpens her claws on Sophia Loren.

Tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, war — are now inevitable.

The Yankees have a banner year. Giants and Jets will up their games.

Brad and Angelina find love — but not with each other.

Tom Cruise gets close to an Academy Award.

Taylor Swift settles on one guy.

The Pope should remain in his mobile and stay protected with guards.