Apparently, Billy Idol Once Killed His Ex-Girlfriend’s Cat

A new memoir written by Adam Bomb claims that “White Wedding” Singer Billy Idol once flew into a fit of rage and hurled his girlfriend’s cat against a wall, killing it.

The book, Druggy Stardust and the Empress of Clubland, follows Adam’s relationship with Limelight’s Claire O’Conner. Adam goes on to say that Billy was dating Perri Lister at the time, and was angry because he thought she was cheating on him.

Adam wrote, “Claire said, ‘Billy Idol could get really vile. He got Perri a kitten, and after a nasty argument, he threw the kitten against the wall in their apartment and killed it.’ ” He later added that, “Perri’s curiosity killed the cat.”

H/T: Page Six.