Sexual Harassment Memo Went To ‘House of Cards’ Before Spacey’s Downfall

Page Six has reported that producers sent a memo to the staff House Of Cards weeks before Kevin Spacey’s recent downfall.

“With this issue being front and center in the news right now, this couldn’t come at a better time,” the memo read. “We feel it is important for everyone in the workplace to understand and live these principals.”

A memo went out October 13, days after Weinstein’s accusation: “Dear Staff, Welcome to Season 6 of ‘House of Cards’; on behalf of everyone at MRC, we are excited to be embarking on another exciting season!” It said. “We are committed to a Harassment-Free Workplace and a comfortable work environment for all of our employees.”

The memo added, “At the top of each production year, we have forwarded our ‘Harassment-Free Workplace Policy and Procedure’ as part of all staff’s employment package.” But for Season 6, “we decided to take it a step further and worked to create a program entitled ‘Risky Business’ . . . a [one-hour program] designed to help our personnel navigate any difficult issues that may arise. It will also give you the tools to handle and/or avoid any ‘risky situations.’ ”

Since Anthony Rapp accused Kevin of sexually assaulting him at 14, House Of Cards has been suspended, making this their last season.