David Letterman Apologized to Monica Lewisnsky For Making Fun of Her

Monica Lewinsky just came out on an episode of Dr. Oz to share that David Letterman reached out to her to apologize for making fun of her during the Bill Clinton scandal.

“I wrote [a] Vanity Fair essay [in 2014], which was kind of the first thing I had done in 10 years, where people involved in the media — particularly ridiculing me — stepped forward to sort of say they regretted their behavior,” she said. “David Letterman was one. I don’t remember the exact words . . . but I think he said he regretted having mocked me in the way that he did.”

Lewinsky also reveals, “I went to bed one night as a private person and woke up the next day . . . it was global humiliation.” And, “It was pretty bad. There were several moments . . . where I didn’t think I would make it. In the first few weeks of the investigation, my mom made sure I took a shower with the door open because she was worried I would take my own life.”