Georgia Rep. Wants to Quarantine HIV-Positive People, Elton John Responds

Elton John has called out Georgia State Rep. Betty Price after she questioned the legality of quarantining those living with HIV — as if there aren’t meds nowadays that prevent the transmission of the virus, or antiretrovirals that suppress the virus so low that it’s impossible to transmit to HIV-negative people.

Basically, the women is living in 1986. And Elton wasn’t having it.

“Rep. Betty Price’s comments about people living with HIV are horrific, discriminatory, and astonishingly ill-informed. As a doctor and elected official from a state where people are still contracting HIV at an alarming rate, Mrs. Price should know better than to demonize people and perpetuate myths that stigmatize people living with HIV,” Elton wrote in a statement sent to Fox News.

“Her words smack of a dark time when there was little or no information about HIV and people were afraid of each other. Today, thanks to scientific advancements, growing acceptance and love, people living with HIV are living longer, healthier lives. We also know people living with HIV pose no public threat.”

Betty previously retracted her statement before Elton gave his, saying that “I made a provocative and rhetorical comment as part of a free-flowing conversation which has been taken completely out of context. I do not support a quarantine in this public health challenge and dilemma of undertreated HIV patients.”

Georgia was fifth out of all 50 states in U.S. for new HIV diagnoses. The answer is not to quarantine — ACCESS TO CARE is a better solution. You ever think of that, Betty?