Shania Twain on Her Divorce Battle With Lyme Disease

Country superstar Shania Twain thought she would “never sing again” after being struck with Lyme Disease, which took a toll on her physically and emotionally.

The disease impacted her vocal chords, as she explained to 60 Minutes Australia. Then came the divorce: “I was shattered,” she said. “How many more traumatic moments can I take?’ I wasn’t just broken, I was shattered.”

Shania recently announced the release of her latest album Now (her first in 15 years).

“It’s all about reflecting on what I’ve been through, owning what I’ve been through, not ignoring it and saying ‘forget about it, move on,’ ” she told once People. “I don’t want to forget about it. It’s made me who I am.”

The full interview will air on 60 Minutes Australia on Sunday.