Houston Holiday Inn Turns Away Family Seeking Shelter Because of Their Dogs

When you’re in the middle of one of the country’s biggest crisis, you’d think dogs might be the least of your problems — but that wasn’t the case for a Houston-based Holiday Inn.

The Holiday Inn Express and Suits in Katy, Texas turned away the Philip, Gillian, Allison, and Sylvia Parker because of their three dogs. The grandmother, couple, and 16-year-old had to evacuate their area after their car flooded.

“It’s ridiculous and outrageous,” Gillian told People. “This is an 800-year flood. Three exits down the highway, the national guard is pulling people out of their houses. And our dogs can’t come in to safety?” Apparently, corporate told her that the Katy location is a franchise, therefore there’s nothing they can really do.

Meanwhile, all hotels are basically booked and there’s nowhere else to go. “It’s pouring rain,” Gillian explains. “You’re soaked to the bone just getting there, and walking them is even worse. The rain felt like needles in your face. And you end up shivering in the car. It’s just… I’m just chagrined, irritated, cold, wet, tired, and exhausted.”

Read more at People.