Wow, Already There Is Backstage Drama Around Miley’s VMA Performance

Credit: FameFlynet Pictures

Miley Cyrus is set to perform on Sunday’s MTV’s Video Music Awards, and already there is mad drama happening backstage.

Page Six is reporting that Diane Martel (director of Miley’s “Younger Now” video) is involved in her VMA performance and was heard arguing — rather loudly — at LA’s Four Seasons Cabana Restaurant about how Miley should use the minute of stage she has before singing her song.

Someone apparently overheard Diane referencing herself as “Miley’s creative director” during the intense rant, saying she wants Miley to do a raunchy puppet show sketch to “show her acting chops.” There was even talk about a “puppet orgy.”

Diane also alleged that Miley’s manager would rather her use the stage time to talk about Donald Trump so she can “make headlines.” That’s when she was heard calling her manager a “stupid asshole manager.”

Page Six reached out to Diane for comment, only to get replied back with an email reading: “No friction! Excitement! Miley’s number will be sunrising and emotional, her new some [sic] younger Now is beautiful and contemplative and self written.”