Yasss, Naked Sofia Vergara Looking Flawless

This woman is 45-years old, guys.

Sofia Vergara knows she’s gorgeous, and she’s talking about it with Women’s Health.

“Here’s a woman, 45, being able to show her body. It’s not like before, when it was just young girls who would make the cover of a magazine,” she said. “It’s not about having muscle or cut abs. I don’t have abs because I’m not ‘I need to be like a fit model with a perfect body.’ That would take too much effort!”

She continued: “I don’t know if I’m strong. I have bad knees and very thin bones; I can barely do a pushup,.  wish I could be a little more athletic, but when you’re born with these gigantic boobs…I’ve had them since I was 13, and then they got bigger when I was pregnant and had the baby.”

That being said, she also points out she hates working out: “It’s like torture for me,” she said. “I’m in a bad mood two hours before, I’m in a bad mood while I’m doing it, I’m in a bad mood at the end because I have to schedule the next class.” But, she adds, “Joe built a very nice gym in the house, so I don’t have any excuses.”

“I’m 45. Even if you want to, at this time in your life, you can’t be perfect,” she said. “It’s not that you hate it, or that you’re upset about it, but it is our reality. We’re changing. I see it happening to me.”