Abby Lee Miller’s Last Meal Was Mac & Cheese On Her Way to Prison

Credit: Fameflynet Pictures

Dance Mom: Abby Tells All premiered on Lifetime last night, and we now know that Abby’s last meal was mac and cheese, which she was eating in the backseat on her way to jail.

Because cameras weren’t allowed inside the facility, cameramen had to go black and Abby can be heard crying. “It’s over,” she said.

“I hope it won’t be as bad as I imagine. If it’s that bad I probably won’t survive it,” she said to Jedediah Bila. “I mean, if a whole gang of people want to kill you, they’re gonna do it. If a whole bunch of people want to make your life a living hell, they’re gonna do it.”

Abby was found guilty of bankruptcy fraud, and the courts ordered her to pay a $40,000 fine and serve two years probation after serving her one year sentence.

“I’ve always put everybody else’s child first before my own health, before my own outfit, before my own time frame,” she said. “Everybody else was dressed and out the door and looking perfect and I was running around trying to find a clean towel to take a shower with, so I think this will be a little ‘me’ time.”