James Cromwell Arrested at SeaWorld During a PETA Rally Against Orca Cruelty

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Actor James Cromwell was arrested at SeaWorld in San Diego while partaking in a PETA protest against the treatment of orca whales yesterday.

He and other protesters were handcuffed and brought to custody after they crashed the show, according to a statement from PETA. The organization live streamed the protest on Facebook.

“Orcas deserve a full life in the ocean, not a life sentence of swimming endless circles until they drop dead from disease,” James said in a statement. “My friends at PETA and I want SeaWorld to move these intelligent animals to seaside sanctuaries without delay.”

The 2013 documentary Blackfish brought the industry of orca entertainment to its knees, revealing the horrible treatment they endue.

Last month, James was in jail for a week protesting a power plant. Clearly, handcuffs don’t scare him in the slightest.