‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ Gets Big Thumbs Up

Photo Credit: Twitter/Uproxx.com

Critics are already raving about the 3rd installment of the Planet of the Apes film franchise, “War for the Planet of the Apes,” that comes out July 14th.

The American science-fiction media franchise started in 1974 as a TV series.  The world in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control is still thriving.  The film is being widely revered as a masterpiece.

Forbes Magazine is calling it the summer’s best sequel, calling Matt Reeve’s work a “cinematic triumph.”

USA Today wrapped up the film in a nutshell which we all can understand:

“The apes finally believe they’ve found a place they can call home, but Caesar is dealt a crushing loss when a late-night raid by the Colonel kills his wife and son. Instead of leading his people to a promised land, Caesar sets out on a journey of revenge to the Colonel’s fortified headquarters.”

According to Cinema Blend.com, all the trailers and promo materials have looked amazing, but they wondered could the movie live up to the hype?  Apparently, the answer is an overwhelming yes!

Some critics have seen the movie and shared their thoughts on social media, and the response is overwhelmingly positive.

Take a look at what Twitter is saying about it: