You Have to Read Monica Lewinsky’s ‘Obituary’ to the Roger Ailes Subculture

When the news of Roger Ailes death came out, countless of people mourned not only for his life, but also for the growing radical conservative culture he helped to spawn.

The Fox News chairman was accused of sexually harassing several women over the course of his career while also managing to build a network that turned Republican politicians into gods through fear tactics and mongering.

In a piece for the New York Times, Monica Lewinsky wrote a scathing “obituary” about Roger Ailes, highlighting the way he handled her affair with President Bill Clinton.

“This is not another obituary for Roger Ailes, who died last week 10 months after being ousted at Fox News,” she started. “It is, I hope, instead an obituary for the culture he purveyed — a culture that affected me profoundly and personally. Just two years after Rupert Murdoch appointed Mr. Ailes to head the new cable news network, my relationship with President Bill Clinton became public. Mr. Ailes, a former Republican political operative, took the story of the affair and the trial that followed and made certain his anchors hammered it ceaselessly, 24 hours a day.”

She goes on to recount Roger’s obsession with her. “I ceased being a three-dimensional person. Instead I became a whore, a bimbo, a slut, and worse. Just days after the story broke, Fox asked its viewers to vote on this pressing question: Is Monica Lewinsky an ‘average girl’ or a ‘young tramp looking for thrills?'”

Read the riveting op-ed at the New York Times.