OITNB’s Danielle Brooks Gives Advice to Her Younger Self

Cause sometimes I like to smile. 😊😊😊

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Orange is the New Black star (and star of Broadway’s recent revival of The Color Purple) Danielle Brooks has always risen up to impress her fans.

She’s proven herself to not only be an incredibly versatile actress, but also a strong activist and advocate for change.

Recently, the actress penned a few letters of advice to her 15-year old self on Refinery 29.

Check it out:

Dear 15-year-old Danie,
I must say, you are one fearless chick! A lot of blessings and disappointments will come your way this year, and in the years to come, but I want you to continue to practice patience. Let God write your story. It will always be brighter than you could ever dream of — so trust her.
Because creating lists is so much a part of your DNA, here’s a list of things to remember as you go through the next 10 to 15 years of your life.
1. Keep journaling. You don’t know this yet, but one day you will write a book. The writing will be so much easier because you took a little extra time out of your day to journal. And when you get older, you’ll laugh at how boy-crazy you were and how many times you threatened to run away from home.
2. Mom isn’t always right, but she was right about one thing: You do not have to wear your shorts so short.
3. You really quit cheerleading because of how you felt you looked in your skirt? Okay! Never quit anything again because you’re scared of what others might think of you — unless you become a stripper, only exception. But even then, quit because you want to.
4. I know sometimes we think youthfulness will last forever, but girl, it doesn’t.Stretch. A lot. And trade that orange soda in for water. Trust me, it’ll keep those arms and thighs remaining as flawless as ever, honey. Also, adult acne is real. With all the makeup you’ll have to wear, it’s just bound to happen. So, invest in your moneymaker. One day you’ll meet an amazing dermatologist, and he’ll get you on the right track.
5. Love your stretch marks Danie. They are the roadmap of your strength.
6. Spoiler alert: You won’t be asked out to the prom. One day that boy you had a crush on, you’ll run into him at the grocery store and discover he has three baby mamas and works at Verizon. Not even as a manager. And the other dude, you’ll realize he doesn’t even have enough courage to pursue his dreams. How would he ever be able to handle yours? Again, be patient. One day you will bring all the boys to the yard. They will be sliding in those DMs girl. That phrase will make more sense in 2017.