JFK’s Grandson Gives Obama the Courage Award, Who Urges Us to Fight For Health Care

Courtesy of People magazine. 

So… JFK’s grandson Jack Scnlossberg is one cutie patootie. And he’s so ready to jump into the spotlight, not by partying or doing drugs, but by doing good deeds. His first? To award former President Barack Obama the annual Profile in Courage Award at the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.

Jack and his mom, Caroline Kennedy, presented the award.

“Throughout his presidency, my grandfather made it clear that he alone could fix nothing; that he alone had no answers,” Jack said. “He had the courage to plainly admit America’s shortcomings, to then lay out bold plans to address those problems and to ask his fellow Americans for help in solving them … he inspired a generation to enter public service and to ask what they could do for their country. President Barack Obama inspired me in the same way. My life changed in 2008 because a young candidate was fired up and ready to go, and he told me `yes we can.’”

During his speech, Obama referenced Trump several times:

“I hope that current members of Congress recall that it actually doesn’t take a lot of courage to aid those who are already powerful, already comfortable, already influential. But it does require some courage to champion the vulnerable and the sick and the infirm — those who often have no access to the corridors of power. I hope they understand that courage means not simply doing what’s politically expedient, but doing what they believe deep in our hearts is right.”

He continued: “That’s the spirit that has brought America so far and that’s the spirit that will always carry us to better days. And I take this honor that you have bestowed on me here tonight as a reminder that, even out of office, I must do all that I can to advance the spirit of service that John F. Kennedy represents.”