Joely Fisher Shares About The Last Time She Saw Half-Sister Carrie Fisher

Photo Credit: Twitter/Mercury News

Joely Fisher is still in the throws of grief.

The actress is the half-sister to Carrie Fisher, and the four months since her passing have been extremely difficult.

“They say seven stages of grief. I think it’s more like 77,” said Joely during a new episode of The Dr. Oz Show airing today. She added:

“I’m a mother of five people and I am an actress and I’m directing my first movie and I’m doing many things so I have to go on with life. But I do find myself seeing those pictures just now … I miss that. I miss her around. I miss being able to call and, you know, make a joke about politics, frankly, anything.”

The two shared the same father, singer Eddie Fisher, but Joely’s mother is actress/director Connie Stevens, while actress Debbie Reynolds was mom to Carrie.

Joely opened up about the last time she spent with Carrie before she passed. She recalled, “Well, I saw her in November for her birthday and we had a grand time, the typical Carrie party.”

 The 49-year-old penned a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter not long after Carrie’s death and opened up about the last correspondence she had with her sister via text messages. She said:

 “They were from the night before she got on her fateful flight and I’ve saved them, screen-shotted, backed them up onto, you know, other hard drives because I don’t ever want to lose them. “We talked about politics. We talked about our mothers, who were frail, both of them, and our children, and promised to see each other at Christmas, which I upheld. I was there … I think she knew I was there,” referring to being in the hospital with Carrie when she passed on December 27.
Joely addressed Carries’s struggle with mental health, and how her passing has illuminated the profound effect that Carrie had on her fans. Joely said:
I’m finding that, not only were people fans, they looked to her for solace and for finding the funny and for knowing that if she could survive, that they could. And with her not surviving, they’re looking for me.”