How The Heck Did Star Wars Day Actually Begin??

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Today is the day where everyone posts “May the 4th Be With You” memes and GIFs, celebrating the beloved Star Wars franchise, claiming it Star Wars Day.

But how the heck did it all begin?

According to People magazine, we have former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to thank…

Apparently, on May 4, 1979, the day Thatcher took office (two years after the release of the first Star Wars film), her political party placed an in a London paper congratulating the new PM for winning, which read:

“May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations.”

Of course, the term was brilliant and it was used again on May 4, 1994 in a U.K. Parliament defense debate.

After the birth of the Internet, however, it because hugely popular and swept the world into an unknown International holiday. In fact, Toronto Underground Cinema organized the very first official Star Wars Day on May 4, 2011.

The rest is history. We’re happy to school you on this very important holiday.

And as always, May the 4th be with you…