Jenna Dewan-Tatum Says She ‘Keeps it Spicy’ In the Bedroom — But Not For Channing!

In case you didn’t already know, we’re pretty sure that Channing Tatum and Jenna Dwan-Tatum have crazy, monkey, loud, sweaty, passionate, circus sex — and Jenna kinda proved it.

In a new interview with Redbook, Jenna opened up about her relationship with Channing, who she met on the set of Step Up in 2005.

The couple have a 3-year old daughter named Everly, but that doesn’t mean they can’t keep things hot and spicy in the bedroom after hours!

“I think all women should keep [sex] exciting for themselves,” she said. “People always ask, ‘Do you do anything to keep it fresh for your man?’ I hate that question. I’m like, ‘No. Why is it for your man?’ I do things to keep it fresh for myself. The lingerie I buy is not for him necessarily. It’s for us and for myself. If you feel sexy, then it’s good for you.”

That’s the best advice ever!

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“We are not sex schedulers — not yet!,” Jenna said. “Give us a couple more years. Maybe with child number two. There’s a beauty in being two busy people because we get a lot of time to miss each other. To continue to miss someone after so many years is kind of a blessing in disguise.”

She continued: “You change when you’re together from 25 to 35. I think maybe in my early 20s, I might have tiptoed around issues or didn’t want to make too many waves. Now it’s like, ‘This is how I’m feeling.’ You have to be okay with the other person becoming defensive, to let them be emotional and accept that it won’t be okay for a while.”

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On being a feminist: “We should want equality for men and women. Men should want that too. Chan is for women’s rights and so am I. Women should have the right to be the best they can be and make their own choices for themselves. Our daughter is young, but I think as she gets older, she’s going to be all about the standard for women we keep at home — she’s going to be strong.”