Guess Who Ricky Martin is Going to Play in ‘Versace: American Crime Story’!

Fameflynet Pictures

Ryan Murphy certainly loves his Grammy winners — first Lady Gaga, now Ricky Martin!

As Deadline reports, Ricky Martin is going to be co-starring in Versace: American Crime Story, which examines the shocking July 1997 assassination of designer Gianni Versace, played by Edgar Ramirez. Penelope Cruz will also star as his sister, Donatella Versace.

Ricky will be playing Versace’s longtime partner Antonio D’Amico.

Ricky and Ryan Murphy previously worked together on an episode of Glee, so they definitely know how each other works on set. I guess they got on so well the first time, Ryan thought round two was in order!

Versace: American Crime Story is the third installment of the Ryan’s crime story series. The first was centered around O.J. Simpson, the second is about Hurricane Katrina, which will air later this year, and the fourth will be about the Monica Lewinsky scandal.