Bill Maher Calls Rick Santorum Out For Lying on His Show!

It’s not the first time Bill Maher called out Rick Santorum for lying, but it’s definitely the latest.

The Republican Rick Santorum appeared on Bill Maher’s show Real Time two weeks ago, claiming that the EPA director under Obama said the Clean Power Initiative would have no effect on CO2 emissions. He even said to Bill, “You can look it up.”

Apparently he did.

“Here’s what Gina McCarthy, the EPA director under Obama, said,” Bill said last Friday on his show. “‘I’m not disagreeing that this action (the Clean Power Initiative) in and of itself will not make all the difference.’ Will not make all the difference in [Santorum’s] world becomes would have no effect.”

The first time Bill called out Rick for lying was in September 2015, two weeks after Rick appeared on the show saying that 57 percent of climate scientists “don’t agree that 95 percent of climate change is caused by CO2.

“You could get your information from over 200 worldwide scientific bodies,” Bill said at the time, “but [Rick] gets it from a blogger and then misquotes them. Sorry, Rick, but you can’t come on my show and misrepresent the most important issue of our time.”

About the most recent fact checking rant, Bill said: “I don’t think Rick Santorum is lying on purpose. I think Rick Santorum’s sin is most Republicans’ sin – they live in a bubble. They only see sh*t on right wing blogs and websites and Fox News. This ‘alternative fact’ nonsense did not start with Trump, it started a long time ago at the Sexual Harassment Network.”

Looks like anyone better think twice before lying to the likes of Bill Maher… ouch.