Nicole Richie Shares Her Secrets For Gorgeous Skin


Want skin like Nicole Richie’s? The star shared some inside scoop with InStyle about what it takes to get skin that glows.

They first step: moisturizer. Nicole said:

“My mom is from the South, and she is not playing around when it comes to lotion—her skin is like velvet. The way she raised me, you never left the house without lotion everywhere. That’s how I am too.” She added, “On my face I use Biologique Recherché products: face wash, serum, and moisturizer every day, and a mask a few times a week. In the shower I exfoliate with gloves. I make a scrub with sugar and cucumbers from my garden in the summer, but in the winter I’ll use whatever I can find. Then I put grape-seed oil (Whole Foods’ 365 brand, but any will do) all over my body and the thick yellow Kiel’s cream  over that.”

The 35-year-old says she avoids make-up whenever possible to prevent clogged pores, and uses only Cle de Peau Beaute concealer to hide dark circles.

The reality star says what you put in your body matters too, since “the skin is your largest organ.” She said:

“I try to eat cooling foods: lots of vegetables, pretty standard stuff. But I can’t deny myself a lobster taco every now and again, and I’m addicted to hot sauce, even though my cheeks get rosy when I eat it—and not in a good way. Drinking tequila always makes me break out. To recover after a night out, I go without makeup the next day and drink a lot of water.”

Lastly, that little thing called sunscreen. Nicole shared that she hasn’t always followed the rules, but is trying to be better about protecting her skin. She said:

“I’ve gotten so many confusing messages over the years. I’m of mixed race, so I spent 25 years thinking the rules didn’t apply to me. I don’t sit and bake in the sun, but I can give myself a five-to-seven-minute window and I will definitely get a tan. That’s a dope thing about being mixed race. But I definitely need to start wearing sunscreen more. I’m not amazing at it—having sun is like drinking water to me, and my body really loves it. I have started wearing hats to protect my face. J. Crew makes a cute one I’m always wearing, and I end up buying the same one every time I travel.”

Alright. Moisturize, hydrate, sunscreen. We’ve got this, people!