Creator of Famous Rainbow Flag Sadly Dies

Photo Credit: Twitter/Cleve Jones

The creator of the famous rainbow flag that represents LGBTQ pride, sadly died today.

Gilbert Baker was a US Army veteran, an activist, and creator of one of the most recognized symbols of our time.

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, Gilbert died in his sleep at his home in New York on Thursday night.

He initially designed an eight-colour flag in 1978 for the city’s gay freedom day, the precursor to the modern pride parade.

According to

“It would later be reduced to six stripes, removing pink and indigo, and swapping blue for turquoise. Mr Baker said he wanted to convey the idea of diversity and inclusion, using ‘something from nature to represent that our sexuality is a human right.'”

A candlelight vigil is happening tonight in San Fransisco.  Gilbert was 65-years-old.

Screenwriter Dustin Lance Black tweeted: “Rainbows weep. Our world is far less colourful without you, my love. Gilbert Baker gave us the rainbow flag to unite us. Unite again.”

See what Twitter has to say about the loss of this legend: