Kate Winslet Speaks Out About How She Was Body Shamed and Bullied

Photo Credit: Fameflynet Pictures

Leading lady Kate Winslet has revealed she was once cruelly body shamed for not being thin enough.

The Titanic star made a speech at the WE Day U.K. charity event and explained that she was bullied at school and once told that she would have to “settle for the fat-girl parts.”

Kate told the following to Marie Claire:

“They called me Blubber. Teased me for wanting to act. Locked me in the cupboard. Laughed at me. I wasn’t the prettiest. I was even told that I might be lucky in my acting if I was happy to settle for the fat-girl parts.”

“[Casting agents] would say, ‘You’re just not what we’re looking for, Kate.’ I’d hear that a lot. I didn’t lock myself away and give up on my dream. I fought back. I had to ignore the negative comments. I had to believe in myself. I had to choose to rise above it all, and I had to work hard. You have to be indestructible to do what you love, and believe that you are worth it. And sometimes that’s the hardest part.”

Take a look at the tweet below as well as what people are saying about this kick ass woman!