This Hollywood Actor Claims Donald Trump Said the N-Word on the Golf Course

FameflyNet Pictures

Hollywood A-lister Don Cheadle said that President Donald Trump once made gross remarks to his friend’s dad on the golf course, wherein he used the N-word.

Pictured: Don Cheadle Credit: FameFlynet, Inc 

No telling who this friend of Don’s is, but according to a tweet he made on Saturday, it’s a female who might have worked with him in the past.

When a fan replied back to Don saying Trump is now on his sh*t list, the actor responded, “Go ahead and put him there for ALL of us. And consider the kind of person who would so glibly and irreverently spout that [to a total] stranger.”

He also said, “The Donald thought they were all ‘like-minded.’ Mistook their shock for disgust … He went on to clarify, ‘No, no, it’s great!’ and some more stuff before they just teed off in silence.”

After tweeters tried to get the identity of his “friend’s dad” out of him, Don wouldn’t budge. “I don’t know [my friend’s dad],” he said. “But his daughter is famous and probably doesn’t want that particular beef for her or her dad.” He also said, “Her father wasn’t wearing a wire. But look up the 2M or so articles about Drumpf and racism if you need a primer.”

To be fair… Trump has called himself the “least racist” person ever. *cough*