The Accountants Were FIRED From the Oscars After Best Picture Mishap

The two accountants that screwed up the Oscars best picture category because one of them was tweeting, while he was supposed to be handing off an envelope (allegedly), were fired.

According to the Associated Press, “Film academy president says the two accountants responsible for the best picture mistake will not work the Oscars again.”

The two accountants taking the blame are Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The act came after pictures were found from backstage at the Oscars, which pretty much showed the order of events leading up to the now-historic mishap — when Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly called out La La Land instead of Moonlight as best picture.

Brian Cullinan has already admitted to giving Warren the wrong envelope, which was an extra envelope name Emma Stone as Best Actress.

He was also warned by his bosses not to tweet while working…