‘Sex & The City 3’ Might Be Happening Sooner Than You Think!

Pretty much every city girl can relate to any character on Sex and the City. Sure, the second one might not have been as great as the first — but can third time be a charm?

According to its lead Sarah Jessica Parker, who spoke to Marie Claire at NewYork’s Fashion Week, she said a third movie is “in a warming drawer. It’s never been a ‘no’… it’s always been an ‘if’ and ‘when.’ And that remains the question being asked by two very thoughtful people who are taking into very serious consideration those people who devoted a lot of time. We’re not cavalier about the way we arrive at that decision.”

This isn’t news to anyone, especially given that reports on a third movie was given a greelight, according to Radar Online which said “the deal is done and the script has been approved by all the women.”

Producer Michael Patrick King also said, “Sarah Jessica and I both know what that final chapter is. That doesn’t mean it will or should be told, but I do think there’s one story left.”

Well can someone get on it — for the sake of us single ladies everywhere!?